Brahmin Feed Trough Not in Workshop
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You're welcome to download new version of Mod ( v1.02 ).
Water trough place Marker will disappear after exit from Workshop menu.
Update Instructions:
-Remember position of mod in load order;
-Uninstall previous version;
-Install updated one (1.02);
-Move it in load order to keep the same position in plugin.txt;
(may be not necessary step, but load order is important thing for game modding)
-When back in game in workshop menu, disassemble or store water markers you've created before, then place them again
Enjoy your game!
Wow! clearly one of must have mod for myself!
Finally,my Brahmin can drink now.
*But 1 request,can you make the "water rug" texture to be "transparent"?
That would be awesome!
Ummmm find what?
What i mean is you know the Water Trough Place Marker?
Can you make the "Water Rug" texture to be transparent intead have letter with "WATER" kinda unimmersive :/
Water marker has marks on it by purpose, because brahmin's feeding\drinking animation works from the only one side.
Then if you use transparent texture it'll become hard to orient where that floor mat in 3D space.
There is nothing at all to interfier with immersion. I've seen a lot of cans with paint in game...
I can ask permission to use script for invisible furniture, so marker will disappear after exit from workshop menu.
Oh my god!
You really heard my opinion and make an update to make the rug transparent!
Thank You again my friend
Love little mods like this, so immersive.
Water trough place Marker is invisible in v1.02, how do I find it to move to another location after placing it on ground and exiting Workshop menu??
I can't even see the outline of the marker, bad idea to make it totally invisible!
Edit: Never mind I'm now using v1.01 with visible mark
If the Brahmins have a God,
He is happy to see this beautiful achievement
I downloaded this mod in the hope that it would solve a particular problem I've had with this game since it was released. Most of the time the vanilla Brahmin trough is just not in my menu. Apparently, this is common and a known Bethesda bug. I had hoped that this mod would solve it. It didn't. The mat for the trough is nowhere to be found.
I have at least one or two of these placed, but now they are no longer in the resources menu. Imma check out if I have the updated version and reinstall anyway, then replaced old water tubs as directed.
I really like the brahmin feed trough.It really looks cool
I have one question and I will really apreciate it if you would answer me.Why did you add water trough place marker? Was it necessary? I think it was but why?
Thanks for this - any chance of making the water purified? no worries if not but would be nice to have the option -I've set up a water pump adjacent to the trough and makes sense (to me) that the water would be purified in that scenario.
Once again thanks
I've tried to fill bathtub with purified water, and it looks weird (like fast flowing river)
Great mod. Should probably go inside an immersion pack to get more attention.
does it replace vanillah tubs ?
for example
the tub in the speakeasy in concord
(the one with all the maniquines around the tub with the skeleton in it)
when i used "Cattle feeders immersively filled by temazatl"
and came across that the tub had the ...sunflowers? ... the brahmin feed in it over the skeleton
and it broke my immersion
so im just curious if this does the same thing ?
It will replace brahmin feed troughs... if that particular tub is feeder then, yes... if that just empty bathtub, so, No.
If you have saves for that place you can check it by self and tell us
just got out of my game, want to visit the speak easy
and it was clear
(Shrugs) guess the other mod textures all tubes... f**k knows lol
but looks like everythings working fine
altho up to now i've just placed them, havn't tested em as im to lazy to wait for a brahmin
...that and im current bored of waiting for stuff lol
the dont call me settler mod's been having issue in the recent update :<
when i get to a settlement thats got some brahmin in it ill test it out better and see if everythings ok, then ill let ya know
;o whats wrong with so many letters
sorry for the delay letting you know if it worked or not.
it works nicely (or least on the water one.. didn't have the resoures to build the food one lol...but i dont see why it shouldn't)
only thing i have an issue with at the moment is how full potato my brahmin are being when it comes to getting a drink...
(been trying to set it so that the troughs are near a fence or a wall)... just the brahmin feels its more enjoyable to try get a drink by getting on the struggle bus and having a full-on spaz attack with the wall lol
As I noticed feeding\drinking animation work from the only one side, so...
I advice to place marker floor mat anywhere with more free space and watch wich side is usable,
then if you need rotate and move marker closer to the wall and keep its' usable side available.
( Marker floor mats only need for water troughs, feed troughs work by itself because they are just replacement for vanilla ones. )
i read the instructions XD
dont worry
but like i said
my brahmin just love goin full patato
needly to say tho it works like a charm
(once the cows have learnt how to tell the difference between the wrong side and the right side lol)
(its like dogmeat, and dogmetal bots,,, they'll spend a good 10 seconds standing at the side of the doghouse before they realize that they cant get in that way lol)
......the ai is brain dead on FO4 (facepalms) lol